ICT Services of CHS Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital

How will your commitment contribute to the digital transformation of health and the effective use of data to achieve UHC by 2030 in your specific country or region of focus?

Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital is the only specialized hospital in the region and the second largest hospital in the country. Effective digital solution implementations in the hospital are easily scaled to other similar teaching hospitals in the country and health facilities. Evidently, impacting health information systems(HIS) implementation thereby provoking the sector to introduce necessary policies and guidelines for health data governance. Currently, HIS investments are initiated top-down approach where ministries and regional offices play a major role. This has proven to be weak to put into the grounds. Digital solution implementations are usually thrown away as soon as projects are phased out. Lack of ownership by implementers themselves is observed in most of such initiatives. Roadmap-guided, implementation of digital solutions at the facility level is an implicit recommendation from lessons from previous experiences.