Indonesian Public Health Association (IAKMI)

How will your commitment contribute to the digital transformation of health and the effective use of data to achieve UHC by 2030 in your specific country or region of focus?

The committed consultations’ results will take the form of policy briefs and reports needed to produce evidence-based policies (including laws and technical guidance). These knowledge products will be referred to by policy makers when enacting a regulatory umbrella for digital health in Indonesia.

Success is when Indonesia has set up an evidence-based digital health regulatory framework. This will take form when advocacy efforts (lobbying and public campaign) are producing strategic and public support – it will be measured through the social media analytics, (news) headlines and most importantly rules and regulation actually enacted by the government based on provided policy briefs. The other component is capacity development of public health workers in health data management reflected by trained workers among IAKMI’s members. The last component is the aspects of process and management of digital health by the health agencies from national and sub-national levels – it will be measured by the digital connections linking resources of information, organizational, human and fiscal within public health services.