La Fondation Mondiale du Diabète | La boussole du diabète

Comment votre engagement contribuera-t-il à la transformation numérique de la santé et à l’utilisation efficace des données pour parvenir à la CSU d’ici 2030 dans votre pays ou région spécifique ?

The Diabetes Compass aims to enhance access to quality diabetes care in underserved communities by providing free, simple digital resources that aim to reduce vulnerability across the diabetes care pathway. It will support healthcare professionals in acquiring new skills, performing everyday tasks, and overcoming challenges when managing diabetes, particularly focusing on primary prevention, screening, diagnosis, and support for self-management. The Compass has global ambitions, but will launch in selected LMICs by the end of 2024. The countries will be selected based on close dialogues between WDF and local partners in countries with strong demand for technology-enabled solutions that address barriers to diabetes care. The launch countries will act as innovators and incubators, generating learnings as we work to take the initiative to scale. The initiative fully aligns with the WHO Global Diabetes Compact goals, aiming to contribute to the global effort of improving the lives of people living with diabetes.