Apollo Hôpitaux Enterprise Limited | Le défi d’un milliard de vies

Comment votre engagement contribuera-t-il à la transformation numérique de la santé et à l’utilisation efficace des données pour parvenir à la CSU d’ici 2030 dans votre pays ou région spécifique ?

The committed consultations’ results will take the form of policy briefs and reports needed to produce evidence-based policies (including laws and technical guidance). These knowledge products will be referred to by policy makers when enacting a regulatory umbrella for digital health in Indonesia.

This commitment is a part of The 1 Billion Lives Challenge, that aims to recognize, support, and encourage credible commitments to improve lives through affordable and accessible digital solutions across health, finance, and education by 2025. The 1 Billion Lives Challenge brings together digital inclusion commitments from governments, companies, and other organizations globally, giving members full access to the EDISON Alliance network for support and resources, active spotlighting new financing mechanisms to accelerate their goals.