Your plans up to 2030
The digital health sector is busier than it has ever been, with plenty of exciting initiatives and ground-breaking ideas. As part of Digital Health Week we want to know what organisations are doing and what they have coming up, so we can map these plans and how they link together.
Share what you have planned. This could be objectives from organisational strategies or project plans; funding commitments towards digital health or the launch of a new project, research, campaign or series of policy papers.
You can share the details below. We will host all responses on the page below before collating all plans into an outcomes document and sharing the highlights at a special event during Digital Health Week.

Sub-Saharan Africa
Integrating digital health into an organisation’s priorities
By the end of its current Strategy 2021-2025; SAfAIDS will mainstream easy-to-use & equitably accessible mHealth & digi-Apps to improve access to SRH services & remove barriers to gender equality & SRHR; for at least 200,000 young people in their diversity; within 8 countries across the SADC region
HealthX Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Integrating digital health into an organisation’s priorities, New products or tools, Project or organisation outcomes or outputs
By 2025, HealthX Africa will serve 5000 patients through our digital Chronic Disease Management Program. Through our digital tools and telemedicine service, we will provide accessible and affordable multidisciplinary services from general practitioners, mental health providers, and nutritionists anywhere in Kenya, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week towards the achievement of UHC in Kenya. We aim most deliberately to serve the underserved – those without private health insurance, and those who do not currently engage with the health system as they should for optimal health outcomes.
Kenya Malaria Youth Army
Sub-Saharan Africa
A policy research project or paper, Project or organisation outcomes or outputs
By 2025 , The Kenya Malaria Youth Army will scale up its Youth Led advocacy towards the elimination of Malaria by amplifying its voice and bringing on board 3,000 Malaria Youth Champions to continue championing for the use of the Malaria Score Card for decision making at all Levels.
Confraternity of Patients Kenya (Cofpak)
Sub-Saharan Africa
A policy research project or paper
By 2025, Cofpak will collaborate with healthcare stakeholders in Kenya to accelerate integrated electronic medical record (EMR) uptake to over 50% of healthcare facilities in Kenya to enhance the quality of care.
Humanity & Inclusion
Integrating digital health into an organisation’s priorities
By 2024, Humanity & Inclusion will be deploying OpenTeleRehab, an open source, multidisciplinary, telerehabilitation software in 3 additional countries to improve access to rehabilitation services and facilitate discharge, transition of care and follow-up.
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
South East and Central Asia
A policy research project or paper, Integrating digital health into an organisation’s priorities
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC) will connect, voice and amplify the community and marginalized people and influence the government through 20 community radio stations and 1000 community youth and youth women broadcasters for promoting primary health care (PHC) in line with the adapt appropriate digital health technology for enhancing access to health information, participation and better health governance by 2025.
Sub-Saharan Africa
A policy research project or paper, Integrating digital health into an organisation’s priorities
By 2023, Neotree will develop a data-driven evaluation framework including key performance metrics to assist with future implementation of Neotree and similar healthcare systems in low-resource settings.
South East and Central Asia
A policy research project or paper, Integrating digital health into an organisation’s priorities
By 2025, doctHERs will integrate primary/secondary/tertiary healthcare data into an open-source database with trends obtained primarily through our existing tele-health/smart clinics and secondly through collaborative measures with JCI accredited hospitals to improve the population-level awareness and quality of healthcare services delivered by 5000 female frontline/community healthcare workers across Pakistan.
ICT Services of CHS Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital
Middle East & North Africa
Project or organisation outcomes or outputs
By 2025, ICT Services of Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital will fundamentally transform all health service units to leverage digital solutions. Our implementation of digital solutions will significantly improve service quality and effectiveness. We will implement standards-based digital open source solutions that drive the institution towards increased eHA maturity. We will be guided by our 10-year roadmap to materialize our vision.
International Association of Applied Psychology
A policy research project or paper
By 2023, CSEM member and IAAP main UN NGO representative Dr. Judy Kuriansky and Health Innovation Exchange Pradeep Kakkattil will publish a major volume by Elsevier as a hardcover and ebook of over 100 chapters from world experts on the topic of “Resilient Health: Leveraging Technology and Social Innovations to Transform Healthcare for COVID-19 Recovery and Beyond” featuring overviews and perspectives of digital health for today and the future, and promoting innovations that advance data systems and development and delivery of health and mental health care services to all, including featuring UHC, that can be adapted worldwide.
Open Healthsite Consulting Ltd
Sub-Saharan Africa
A policy research project or paper
By 2025, Open Healthsite Consulting Ltd will map and validate all health facilities in Senegal to OpenStreetMap.
La Ruche Health
Sub-Saharan Africa
Project or organisation outcomes or outputs
In Ivory Coast, La Ruche Health will increase early cancer detection rates by 200%, from 170 new cases annually to over 500 by 2025, ensuring fewer cases go undiagnosed or untreated. Patients will benefit from rapid contact with primary care teams through Whatsapp by implementing our solution nationwide in partnership with the national cancer program. In addition, we will provide physicians with direct access to the 5 oncology specialists nationwide through our electronic medical records solution in order to facilitate faster patient referrals, diagnosis, and treatment, ultimately reducing cancer-related deaths.